Full Moon Features Wiki
Djinn the Homunculus
Goblin Puppet
The Egyptian Goblin Puppet
Vital statistics
Name Djinn the Homunculus
Gender Male
Alignment Agrabah
Relatives The Puppets
Occupation N/A
Status Active
First Appearance Puppet Master II: His Unholy Creation
Last Appearance Puppet Master III: Toulon's Revenge

Djinn the Homunculus is the Egyptian Goblin Puppet animated to demonstrate the power of the Elixer of Life to Andre Toulon. This was performed by an unnamed Cairo Mystic. It is unknown if he remained with the mystic or was given to Toulon. He's often credited as a goblin it is more likely a demon of Arabic folklore. The Caira Merchant, named “Agrabah”, is the son of Afzel. He taught Andre Toulon the secrets of giving life to inanimate objects, gave his friend, the puppet, which started out lifeless, but soon gained the soul of the magician, Caira Merchant and Agrabah are now as Djinn the Hobgoblin. A mystical puppet found in the tombs of pharaohs and kings. was sold on the black market and bought by the previous puppet master. Somehow containing magical powers. He can grant 3 wishes from his master, but with a cost of one's life or a horrible twist. His only weapons is a sword, a dagger and a harquebus shotgun. Although it is often creditied as a goblin it is more likely a djinn, or an demon of arabic folklore. He appears in no other Puppet Master films except for Puppet Master II.

